Friday, October 30, 2009

How to Prevent Getting H1N1 Flu or Swine Flu

On June 10, 2009 the World Health Organization finally raised the level of concern about the H1N1 Flu to a level 6. H1N1 Flu has become the first 21st century flu pandemic. WHO Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan was quoted as saying "With today's announcement, WHO moves from an emergency to a longer-term response. Based on past experience, this pandemic will be with us for some months, if not years, to come."

Now that the H!N1 flu has become an official global epidemic and claimed many lives, many people are likely to become anxious that they might catch the H1N1 flu otherwise known as the Swine Flu.

The CDC reminds us that the "WHO's decision to raise the pandemic alert level to Phase 6 is a reflection of the spread of the virus, not the severity of illness caused by the virus."

There are several very simple things one can do to prevent or minimize your chances of getting the swine flu and the regular flu.

These include finding out more about the illness from reliable sources, learning how serious swine flu is, learn what can be done prevent it, discovering what symptoms to watch for and when to seek additional treatment.

Also included is some interesting information about the history of Swine Influenza and Swine Flu as a Zoonosis or an infectious disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans.

Image Source: CDC. Swine Influenza in Pigs and People. Brochure.
Contents at a Glance
Four Key Steps to Prevent Getting the H1N1 Flu
Staying Healthy During the H1N1 Season
Keeping Students (and others) Healthy During the H1N1 Season
Resources to Help Stay Healthy During the H1N1 Season
Have Some Fun Learning about the H1N1 Flu
The H1N1 Rap
Four Key Steps to Prevent Getting the H1N1 Flu
The four key things to do that will help in preventing you from getting the H1N1 Flu or Swine Flu:

1. Wash Your Hands
2. Cover Your Cough
3. Don't Touch Your Face
4. Stay Away from People Who are Sick

If you do get sick, stay home so you won't pass it on to anyone else.

Source: CDC H1N1 Flu.
Staying Healthy During the H1N1 Season
Keeping Students (and others) Healthy During the H1N1 Season
These recommendations for keeping students healthy during H1N1 outbreak come from my friend, Dr. Jennifer Shu of

1. Follow healthy basic hygiene practices.
Encourage students to wash their hands or use a hand sanitizer frequently and to avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth, where germs can easily enter the body.

2. Keep surfaces clean.
Use a disinfectant to clean commonly shared surfaces at least daily and when visibly soiled.

3. Keep sick students at a distance.
Try spacing desks as far apart as possible to avoid close contact between students. It may also be helpful, especially for individuals at high risk for complications from the flu, to stay at least 6 feet away from sick people.

4. Go home.
Sick students and teachers should go home or stay home if they are too ill to participate in classroom activities. In addition, they should not return until any fever has been gone for at least 24 hours.

5. Follow the latest health recommendations.
H1N1 guidelines may be a moving target since it is still not well known how the virus will affect individuals and communities.

6. Play down perfect attendance.
Some kids (and parents) try so hard for an end-of-the-year perfect attendance award that it can be tempting to go to school even for a few hours to avoid being counted as "absent."

7. Promote home-based learning.
If children feel well enough to study while they're recovering, send some schoolwork home or use an online learning program so they can keep up with lessons.

Source: Dr. Jennifer Shu.
Resources to Help Stay Healthy During the H1N1 Season
How can I keep my students healthy during H1N1 outbreak? -
I'm an elementary school teacher and am worried about H1N1 flu. What can I do to try to keep my students and myself healthy?
How can I keep my family healthy if one of us has H1N1? -
My son was found to have H1N1 flu and has to stay home from school. How can we keep the rest of the family from getting sick?
H1N1: Fighting Swine Flu - Special Report from
Resources on the Swine or H1N1 Flu from
CDC H1N1 Flu | Resources for K-12 Schools
Resources for keeping students healthy during the H1N1 season from the CDC Home Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Taking Control of Healthy Brain

Follow these tips to help keep your brain—and your body—vibrant and healthy throughout your life…


-Exercise your body regularly and get involved in physically active leisure pursuits
-Keep your mind exercised! Engage in active learning throughout life and pursue new experiences
-Stay socially engaged with friends, family and community groups
-Maintain a positive attitude and a sense of control over your life
-Take steps to manage stress
-Eat a balanced diet, and focus on brain-healthy foods that are rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, and consider taking a multivitamin supplement that includes antioxidants and folate
-Mind your numbers: Lose any extra pounds, lower your cholesterol if it is high, and keep your blood glucose and blood pressure under control
-Get adequate sleep
-Get proper medical attention and treatment for any underlying health problems


-Drink to excess, smoke, or use illicit drugs
-Ignore sudden changes in mental status (but don't be overly concerned about normal slips of memory like forgetting names or where you put the keys)
-Avoid going to the doctor if you notice changes in your physical or mental health
-Overlook the possibility of drug interactions that can affect mental functioning, especially if you are taking more than one prescription medication
-Become isolated in your home
-Think you're too old to take up something new!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Healthy Eating: 5 A Day Fruit and Vegetables

Eating the recommended 5 a day servings of fruit and vegetables is the most important element of any healthy eating plan.
The Health Benefits

For the last eight years the Dept. of Health has been trying to drive home the "5-A-Day" message. Research proves that eating at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables each day has very real health benefits. It can help to prevent heart diseases and some cancers. Evidence shows however, that many of us are not listening to this healthy eating advice. Recent research shows that only 1 in 7 of us achieve the 5 a day quota.
Dept. of Health to issue 5-A-Day Logo

To further drive home the healthy eating message, the Dept. of Health is introducing a new 5-A-Day logo initiative in Spring 2003. The Dept. of Health's logo will clearly indicate the fruits and vegetables that contribute towards the 5 portions it recommends you to eat each day. The logo will appear on fresh, frozen, tinned or dried fruit and vegetables and will indicate how many portions the food will count as. The criteria to use the logo is strict and aims to encourage you to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.

In an effort to encourage healthy eating more research is being done by the Dept. of Health to help clear up confusion about what counts towards 5 a day and what doesn't - several processed foods with added salt, sugar and fat, despite containing fruit or vegetables will not at present qualify for the logo.
What stops you from getting 5 a day - Time, Money, Dislike All Fruit and Vegetables?
Lack of time for healthy shopping

Look out for canned, frozen and juiced fruit and vegetables. They are just as nutritious. Buying your fruit and vegetables in this way also means you have plenty to hand when you need it without having to spend time stocking up with fresh produce every few days. Healthy eating doesn't mean you can't make use of convenience foods.
5 a day is too expensive

Don't be fooled, you could find healthy eating better for your budget. Fruit and vegetables (excluding exotic / imported ones) are surprisingly cheap. An average banana costs 20p - less than most bars of chocolate / crisps from the vending machine - and provides more in the way of nourishment for less calories.

* Choose fresh fruit and vegetables in season, not only are they cheaper they will also be most flavoursome and at their best.
* Markets also tend to be cheaper than supermarkets, particularly if you catch them when they packing up for the day.
* Alternatively opt for supermarket branded tinned or frozen fruit and vegetables.

Dislike All Fruit and Vegetables

With such variety of tastes, it's hard to believe anyone can dislike them all. Also remember that tastes change as you age and therefore things you detested in your youth (like brussel sprouts...) may be a lot more palatable now! Try a different fruit / vegetable each week until you find some you enjoy.
Working Your Way to Five A Day

Make it a mission to start working to your five a day quota. Remember you don't have to include all five portions overnight - your body probably won't thank you for it! (A sudden change can cause uncomfortable bloating and gas). Also don't rush out and buy a heap of fresh fruit and vegetables - to watch it rot in the fridge / fruit bowl over the coming week! Build up gradually, make it a habit and remember each extra serving is a step in the right direction. Try these healthy eating tips for including more fruit and vegetables:
Healthy Breakfast

* Have a glass of 100% pure, unsweetened fruit juice
* Slice some fresh fruit over your breakfast cereal or toss in a handful of dried apricots / raisins
* Try a banana sandwich made with wholemeal / granary bread for extra fibre too
* Make a delicious fruit smoothie from fresh fruit. Or add some skimmed milk / low fat yoghurt for a more creamy consistency

Healthy Snacks

* Look out individual portions of carrot batons, dried apricots, raisins and grapes at the supermarket - grab these instead of chocolate / crisps
* Make some crudites - carrots batons, celery sticks, baby sweetcorn, asparagus tips - to enjoy with a low calorie dip
* Keep a piece of fresh fruit on hand - and ensure you eat it before you reach for high sugar / calorie snacks

Healthy Lunch

* Add tomatoes, cucumber, mixed salad leaves to your sandwiches
* Toss a selection of fruit / vegetables and salad leaves together for a delicious alternative - drizzle with a low calorie dressing and enjoy with a crusty wholemeal roll
* Make your own vegetable soup for colder weather

Healthy Evening Meal

* Try to include at least one vegetable with your evening meal
* Add sliced vegetables to stir fries and disguise grated carrot in homemade dishes
* Make a fresh fruit salad for dessert

Healthy Eating Out

* Order a pure, unsweetened fruit or vegetable juice
* Request a side salad or vegetables instead of chips
* Order a fresh fruit salad for dessert

What is a Portion of Fruit and Veg?

* 1 apple, banana, pear, orange or other similar sized fruit
* 2 plums, satsumas, kiwi fruit or other similar sized fruit
* 1⁄2 a grapefruit or avocado
* 1 large slice of melon or fresh pineapple
* 3 heaped tablespoons of vegetables, beans or pulses
* 3 heaped tablespoons of fruit salad or stewed fruit
* 1 heaped tablespoon of raisins or sultanas
* 3 dried apricots
* 1 cupful of grapes, cherries or berries
* 1 dessert bowl of salad
* 1 small glass (150ml) of pure fruit juice

Healthy Eating with Weight Loss Resources

Your Weight Loss Resources Food Diary keeps a tally of your fruit and vegetable servings each day. Our calculation is based on the principle that 80g fruit or vegetables = one serving. Whilst, for simplicity, this is an approximation, it proves to be a good indication of your fruit and vegetable intake, and will help get to 5 a day

Monday, October 26, 2009

How serious You to lose weight

Weight loss is one of the hottest topics as everyone seems to try to lose weight nowadays. With two-thirds of the world's population overweight, so much emphasis and attention is placed on the idea of "weight loss" and "loss" that many people really lose sight of the very real goal of achieving a lean body, strong and healthy.
But what is the difference between weight loss and fat loss? People seem to use both terms interchangeably. But this is not a simple matter of "losing weight", in fact, we'll move forward and prevent this loss term "weight" of our minds completely. Why? Because "lose weight" is not what you should worry about losing more weight alone does not allow you to achieve that body lean, strong and healthy.
Instead, your focus should be on changing your body composition (muscle to report your fat). The reason is simple ...
Your body is composed of different "types" of weight, which contributes differently in their general appearance, weight and general health. There are people who weigh in the balance, but are in excellent health with body lean and strong. And there are many "people of light" that are unhealthy, with the shape of the body soft, flabby and out-of-.
The weight loss for fat loss - What is the difference? Let us define more precisely:
Weight loss - which aims to reduce its weight, total weight of bones, muscles, organs and tissues and fat.
Fat Loss - You want to reduce your body fat, the amount of fat your body carries.
The health goals are at 10-15% body fat in men and 15-20% for women.
Loss of fat is that you probably want if your goal is to achieve a lean body, strong, energetic and healthy. You want to get rid of the unhealthy fat that undermine your fitness goals.
Put simply, the purpose of your exercise program should contain for most exercise is strength training to burn excess body fat while preserving lean muscle mass. There are two main reasons why you should focus on that. First ... the factor that determines the metabolic rate of your body (the number of calories you burn at rest) is the amount of muscle you have in your body. The more muscle you have, the more your metabolism fat burning works.
Finally ... those who simply crash diet and try to deposit a large amount of weight during short periods of time are inevitably doomed to failure. This approach places the body in a state of survival at any cost "and that programs to store more body fat , in preparation to protect against hunger.
The way to avoid this negative situation is simple. Structure of the approach that the loss of weight so that you gradually reduced levels of body fat while maintaining your muscle tissue intact. The only way to accomplish this is a proper diet that you eat 4-6 small meals a day and your exercise program appropriate to maintain your strength and muscle tissue to burn more fat.
This is the best way to burn body fat and especially not to return permanently and you can achieve the kind of look skinny, slim and toned as you strive for.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Good Dentist Make You Smile Great

Finding a good dentist is something that many people should do in those days. It is very important to have healthy gums and teeth and now that is something that overlook quite a lot of us. However, the teeth play a huge role in human life and without them we would not do so well. It is therefore important that you find dentists who are qualified and you can start your search on the web.
There is much information available on the Web and you can find almost anything you need. However, you must remember to look locally if you're looking for a service like this. Mainly, their local dental surgery will be easy to find, but when you search, you should remember to use the city name in the search term.
For example, if you live in Manchester, you should seek to use "Dentist Manchester" or if you live in Birmingham, you type "dentist Birmingham. It is always best to look at the site, then you can be sure that you get the results you are relevant and the best way to get accurate results from Google or another search engine too long.
So, once you have found a dentist office near you, you will need to do a little research and maybe ask around on some forums. Does your local government have created a discussion group on the web? If yes, this is a great way to find local services for their daily needs.
In most cases, the web is the best place to look to find what you need. You can find a wide range of options for almost anything on the Internet Whether shopping, products and health services, or simply a bit of information. As long as you remember to look locally, you should find what you need with ease.
In general, finding a dentist in your local town is easy when you search online. Do not forget to take your time and do your homework. Ask around and you never forget how important it is to do your homework. Use a search engine and extensive research locally is your best bet for finding services near you.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

6 Simple Healthy Steps

Life becomes more complex, more people yearn for simplicity. You can improve the quality of life, making your health. Unrealistic expectations may be the most important barrier to adoption of sustainable health habits. Not enough exercise. I have this body. Misperceptions fostered by the media and the people running the fitness industry in tatters, undermining self-esteem and launched major obstacles to the development of a healthy lifestyle.
Here are some simple, concrete steps to restore the sense of what is good for you, the simplification of health:
1 - Listen to your body. It is talking to you! His seventh sense is your natural instinct. Suppress, and you will wither. Wake-on, and you have a partner for health. Its meaning is to persuade seventh move.
2 - fruit - Eat or do a juice fast one day a week. It's a way you can simplify your eating habits and help maintain your weight. Try a drink made from banana, apple, orange, a handful of fresh strawberries, or maybe a fresh peach. Any fruit of your choice can work. Toss everything in a blender, make a sweet strike, "which is a filling meal by itself. It is so good that feels almost sinful, and could not be simpler.
3 - Believe in yourself. Many of us take the destructive thoughts and beliefs in our lives. For example, you could always think, "Maybe I'll never fit. I've never been good at it." Negative thoughts in any form or crush the natural wisdom of your body, now you do what is best for your body.
4 - Make water your favorite beverage. There are many reasons to make water your beverage of choice, but perhaps the best reason is that very little fluid replacement is good for you. If you're used to drinking liquid very fragrant, water may seem boring at first. But eventually, you'll wonder how you ever drank a little too sweet for soft drinks and caffeine or soft drinks.
Rest, relax and rejuvenate. If you already have for the performance - is drawn into an aerobics class, even if you do not want to be there - you know very well that you can not force you to exercise for very long. Here's an even better: no. Instead, the exercise of an outbreak alert and resting. To do this, first you need to relax and stress. This will give you the necessary energy.
5 - Rest, relax and rejuvenate. If you already have for the performance - is drawn into an aerobics class, even if you do not want to be there - you know very well that you can not force you to exercise for very long. Here's an even better: no. Instead, the exercise of an outbreak alert and resting. To do this, first you need to relax and stress. This will give you the necessary energy.
6 - Fire Your personal trainer, and take a walk. The average number of times the exercise equipment is used is 6 percent, as it sits in the corner room of your house, messing up your life and make you feel guilty, or she goes to the next garage sale. Each day that your expensive equipment or gym membership to the vacant, increasing the level of failure, adding stress in your life. Instead, the walk does not require sophisticated equipment, no clubs, no new clothes, and this is the best exercise you can get.
Simplification of health will be better for your body and soul, and there is nothing you can do this easier, less stressful and healthier.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Dont Wait to Fall Sicks

11 Do not wait for pain to medical examination. Should make way periodic health examination. To ensure your health is in satisfactory condition, you must undergo at least three inspections each year namely:

1. Papsmear
Examination of only time for a few minutes this is done by taking a sample of cervical cells are then examined in the laboratory to detect any disease. If there are changes or suspected cell, treatment will be done to prevent the cell develop into cancer.

2. Mammogram.
Mammogram is a method to detect breast cancer, since it can detect small bump in the breast that can not be seen through examination of normal X-ray. This inspection is suggest for women aged 40 years and above. The best time to do the inspection is due in a week after menstruation when the breasts are in the most gentle conditions.

3. USG Transvagina
Unlike regular USG checks can only see the surface, USG transvagina using special equipment to enter the cervix in the vagina to enable the doctor to see clearly any abnormal growth in the area around the uterus.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Our tongues ,Our health

healthy_tongue What appears when we open the mouth wide-width can show signs of disease that we having, but sometimes less aware of their presence. According to Doctor S. Jordan Josephson of Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, who is also author Sinus Relief Now, with only open mouth and show your tongue, your doctor can make the disease affected initial expectations.

White layer.
Tongue covered layers of white and sticky indicate that bacteria are breeding. If bacterial infection has been cured, the tongue will also return to its original color, Pink Healthy.

Dark color.
Tongue color is dark brownish or related to food, drink, taking antibiotics or sore throat medications that often you take.

Many things can cause ulcers or ‘eye fish’. Whether you lack of vitamin C or bitten tongue. However, this problem will disappear within 10 days. But if not cured immediately see Doctor because this is the early symptoms of mouth cancer.

Seen Haired.
It is caused by bacterial infection, taking antibiotics or mouth that is too dry.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Myths about Weight Loss

Weight_Loss Every woman always wants to be praised, because it was a lot of beauty and fitness services visited by the woman who wants to improve his appearance. So it is with beauty products; sure there will be women who will buy it. They also will find all the information that provides a way to lose weight. No exception tips that still is "a myth". So you know what the facts of the myths about weight loss,

It is true that food is "heavy", such as rice or potatoes in a large portion, should be eaten at the time of day,so there is time to burn long enough before bedtime. However, for those who diligently exercise, carbohydrates can be consumed at any time, because the muscles need fuel every day.
Calories derived from fat makes us more fat than calories from carbohydrates.
If we consume more carbs than the amount that can be burned by the body weight is still going up. Because the remains calorie calories even where it came from.
People who are overweight have a slow metabolism.
It is precisely those who are overweight have a work force that fast metabolism, because the combustion takes more energy to continue to work. They are not to be thin because they eat too much and lack of exercise.
Body size is a "legacy descent".
It turned out as a contributing genetic factor being overweight only about 1 percent. Currently as many as 40 percent of the UK population carry excess weight problems.
We can eat anything as long as fat-free or low-fat.
In fact, even fat-free foods do not always mean calorie or sugar-free. So also with the products low in fat. The two labeled foods like this can still gain weight.
Vegetarian diet does not make fat.
The choice to consume only vegetables, it does not mean fat-free, and can make a skinny body. There are some vegetarians who still eat cheese, which has a high enough fat. In some cases, the meat can also low-fat, provided a good selection.
Eating late at night can make fat.
Not always true. Noteworthy is the number of calories diasup, not at how we consume. Eat at midnight or 20:00 would be the same if the number of calories we / create more than being burned.
Breakfast makes hungry.
Make no mistake, this is actually a good sign. Because, when we breakfast, your metabolism is raised for the work. So, the hunger signal during the day we've used up calories and need to eat more to increase power.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Push-up is symbol of health

push-up Did you know push-up is a symbol of health? Did you know not many people cannot do it. Push-ups are used as barometers of the freshness of the most simple, easy and fast. Push-up exercise to test the whole body, arm muscle, chest, stomach, hips and cause your body tight as toes and palms of hands over the floor. Movement as uplifting and lowering body requires resilience strength and prime to motion push-up repeatedly. The best thing is  you can do them at home!

 pushup_1s pushup_4s pushup_6s pushup_7s pushup_9as

Health is Wealth


How much does a pair of eyes that can see the natural beauty created by god?

How much does a pair of ears that can hear the bird chirp in the park, enjoy sound of waves on the beach and waterfalls that flow exciting?

How much does a pair of feet and hands that can be used to explore and touch various gods creation?

What is the price of various internal organs heart, liver, lungs. kidney healthy without any diseases that provoke?

The answer is certainly not infinite value .. As if you're healthy you have a wealth of invaluable ..

Slogan 'Health is Wealth' is truth. Hence each of us will start a conversation by greeting them..

Islam emphasizes health with their own welfare through gretting with salam spoken with different cultural communities west of say good morning .. good night .. and the like.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

About Health!!

At the of the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO), in 1948, Health was defined as being "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".[1][2]
This definition invited nations to expand the conceptual framework of their health systems beyond issues related to the physical condition of individuals and their diseases, and it motivated us to focus our attention on what we now call social determinants of health. Consequently, WHO challenged political, academic, community, and professional organizations devoted to improving or preserving health to make the scope of their work explicit, including their rationale for allocating resources. This opened the door for public accountability [3].
Only a handful of publications have focused specifically on the definition of health and its evolution in the first 6 decades. Some of them highlight its lack of operational value and the problem created by use of the word "complete." Others declare the definition, which has not been modified since 1948, "simply a bad one." [4].
In 1986, the WHO, in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, said that health is "a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities." Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC), which is composed of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) also define health.
Overall health is achieved through a combination of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being, which, together is commonly referred to as the Health Triangle.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ways Pets Can Lead A Healthy Life

Couple Walking Pet Dog On The Beach
What keeps anxiety and depression away, lowers blood pressure, boosts immunity, and even improves your social life? Research through nearly twenty-five years has shown that for all these, all you’ll need is a loving tail-wagging or maybe softly purring animal.
Allergy Busters and Immuno-Boosters
In the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, James E. Gern, MD, a pediatrician at University of Wisconsin-Madison, writes that more and more studies suggest that kids growing up in a home with a pet cat or dog, or on a farm and exposed to large animals will have less risk of allergies and asthma.
Gern analyzed the blood of babies immediately after birth and one year later to look for evidence of allergic reactions, immunity changes, and infections possibly caused by bacteria in their environment.
If a dog lived in the home, infants were less likely to develop pet allergies, even eczema, a common skin allergy that causes itching red patches. They also showed higher levels of some immune system chemicals. “Dogs are dirty animals, and this suggests that babies who have greater exposure to dirt and allergens have a stronger immune system,” Gern says.
Social Stimulants
Dogs ease people out of social isolation or shyness, says Nadine Kaslow, PhD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Emory University in Atlanta. “People ask about breed, they watch the dog’s tricks,” Kaslow says. “Sometimes the conversation stays at the ‘dog level,’ sometimes it becomes a real social interchange.” Better than the internet, pets are great for social networking and even matchmaking.
Seniors Life Support
“Studies have shown that Alzheimer’s patients have fewer anxious outbursts if there is an animal in the home,” says Lynette Hart, PhD, associate professor at the University of California at Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. “Their caregivers also feel less burdened when there is a pet, particularly if it is a cat, which generally requires less care than a dog,” says Hart. The elderly can walk a dog or just care for a pet which, in turn provides exercise and companionship. As part of their medical screening, Midland Life Insurance Company of Columbus, Ohio, asks clients over age 75 if they have a pet — which often helps tip the scales in their favor.
Good For Hearts, Minds, and Biochemistry
AIDS patients who own pets are far less likely to suffer from depression. “The benefit is especially pronounced when people are strongly attached to their pets,” says researcher Judith Siegel, PhD.

In one study, hypertensive stockbrokers who adopted a cat or dog had lower blood pressure readings in stressful situations than people without pets. Stress puts people into a “state of dis-ease” in which chemicals like cortisol and norepinephrine harm the immune system, says Blair Justice, PhD, a psychology professor at the University of Texas School of Public Health and author of Who Gets Sick: How Beliefs, Moods, and Thoughts Affect Your Health
Studies show a link between these chemicals and plaque buildup in arteries, the red flag for heart disease, says Justice. Heart attack patients who have pets survive longer than those without, according to several. Male pet owners have less sign of heart disease — lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels.
Playing with a dog can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine — nerve transmitters known to have pleasurable and calming properties. Justice, who recently hiked the Colorado Rockies with his wife and two dogs, observed: “People take drugs like heroin and cocaine to raise serotonin and dopamine, but the healthy way to do it is to pet your dog, or hug your spouse, watch sunsets, or get around something beautiful in nature.”