Monday, October 26, 2009

How serious You to lose weight

Weight loss is one of the hottest topics as everyone seems to try to lose weight nowadays. With two-thirds of the world's population overweight, so much emphasis and attention is placed on the idea of "weight loss" and "loss" that many people really lose sight of the very real goal of achieving a lean body, strong and healthy.
But what is the difference between weight loss and fat loss? People seem to use both terms interchangeably. But this is not a simple matter of "losing weight", in fact, we'll move forward and prevent this loss term "weight" of our minds completely. Why? Because "lose weight" is not what you should worry about losing more weight alone does not allow you to achieve that body lean, strong and healthy.
Instead, your focus should be on changing your body composition (muscle to report your fat). The reason is simple ...
Your body is composed of different "types" of weight, which contributes differently in their general appearance, weight and general health. There are people who weigh in the balance, but are in excellent health with body lean and strong. And there are many "people of light" that are unhealthy, with the shape of the body soft, flabby and out-of-.
The weight loss for fat loss - What is the difference? Let us define more precisely:
Weight loss - which aims to reduce its weight, total weight of bones, muscles, organs and tissues and fat.
Fat Loss - You want to reduce your body fat, the amount of fat your body carries.
The health goals are at 10-15% body fat in men and 15-20% for women.
Loss of fat is that you probably want if your goal is to achieve a lean body, strong, energetic and healthy. You want to get rid of the unhealthy fat that undermine your fitness goals.
Put simply, the purpose of your exercise program should contain for most exercise is strength training to burn excess body fat while preserving lean muscle mass. There are two main reasons why you should focus on that. First ... the factor that determines the metabolic rate of your body (the number of calories you burn at rest) is the amount of muscle you have in your body. The more muscle you have, the more your metabolism fat burning works.
Finally ... those who simply crash diet and try to deposit a large amount of weight during short periods of time are inevitably doomed to failure. This approach places the body in a state of survival at any cost "and that programs to store more body fat , in preparation to protect against hunger.
The way to avoid this negative situation is simple. Structure of the approach that the loss of weight so that you gradually reduced levels of body fat while maintaining your muscle tissue intact. The only way to accomplish this is a proper diet that you eat 4-6 small meals a day and your exercise program appropriate to maintain your strength and muscle tissue to burn more fat.
This is the best way to burn body fat and especially not to return permanently and you can achieve the kind of look skinny, slim and toned as you strive for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very thoughtfull post on "How serious You to lose weight".I'm using the methods from to reduce weight and it really works.

Thomas- Lose 20 - Losing weight may save your life

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