Sunday, October 18, 2009

Our tongues ,Our health

healthy_tongue What appears when we open the mouth wide-width can show signs of disease that we having, but sometimes less aware of their presence. According to Doctor S. Jordan Josephson of Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, who is also author Sinus Relief Now, with only open mouth and show your tongue, your doctor can make the disease affected initial expectations.

White layer.
Tongue covered layers of white and sticky indicate that bacteria are breeding. If bacterial infection has been cured, the tongue will also return to its original color, Pink Healthy.

Dark color.
Tongue color is dark brownish or related to food, drink, taking antibiotics or sore throat medications that often you take.

Many things can cause ulcers or ‘eye fish’. Whether you lack of vitamin C or bitten tongue. However, this problem will disappear within 10 days. But if not cured immediately see Doctor because this is the early symptoms of mouth cancer.

Seen Haired.
It is caused by bacterial infection, taking antibiotics or mouth that is too dry.

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