Thursday, October 29, 2009

Taking Control of Healthy Brain

Follow these tips to help keep your brain—and your body—vibrant and healthy throughout your life…


-Exercise your body regularly and get involved in physically active leisure pursuits
-Keep your mind exercised! Engage in active learning throughout life and pursue new experiences
-Stay socially engaged with friends, family and community groups
-Maintain a positive attitude and a sense of control over your life
-Take steps to manage stress
-Eat a balanced diet, and focus on brain-healthy foods that are rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, and consider taking a multivitamin supplement that includes antioxidants and folate
-Mind your numbers: Lose any extra pounds, lower your cholesterol if it is high, and keep your blood glucose and blood pressure under control
-Get adequate sleep
-Get proper medical attention and treatment for any underlying health problems


-Drink to excess, smoke, or use illicit drugs
-Ignore sudden changes in mental status (but don't be overly concerned about normal slips of memory like forgetting names or where you put the keys)
-Avoid going to the doctor if you notice changes in your physical or mental health
-Overlook the possibility of drug interactions that can affect mental functioning, especially if you are taking more than one prescription medication
-Become isolated in your home
-Think you're too old to take up something new!

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